Fall 2022
Three Paths, One Way: Pentecostalism, Unitarian Universalism, and Intimations of Liberation
Stoicism/Epicureanism and the Way of All Flesh
Rev. Dr. David Breeden
Date: November 18, 2022
Location: King’s Chapel Parish House
Respondent: Rev. Shawn Newton, First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto
The growing number of religiously unaffiliated has many religious leaders looking for ways to innovate even as ancient traditions gain in popularity.
The Great Awakenings, the Cane Ridge Revival, Azusa Street. Nowadays, millions in the United States and hundreds of millions in the larger world embrace charismatic movements, while liberal religious and post-Christian movements wither. Is “a great gulf fixed” between them, or might liberal traditions be missing something hidden in plain sight?
Rev. Dr. David Breeden is Senior Minister at First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis. Raised Pentecostal, he discovered humanism as an adult.