Spring 2011
Composing Our Unitarian Universalist Future: Where Are We Now, What's Possible, What's Next?
Extending the Conversation 4: What’s Possible?
Rev. Vanessa Southern
Date: April 9, 2011
Location: First Church Boston
As Unitarian Universalism celebrates its 50th anniversary, it is time for us to reflect on where we are and where we want to go as we move toward our future.
On April 8–9, 2011, the Minns Committee brought together UU clergy leaders from around the country who each have experiences and perspectives to offer to the larger questions that will help shape the future of our religion and our religious movement.
More than 100 members of the broader UU community, including seminarians, lay leaders, and parishioners, attended this event to explore together our Unitarian Universalist future by reflecting on these guiding questions for our theme talks, presentations, and dialogue:
What gifts will Unitarian Universalism most likely carry across the threshold into its next fifty years?
What does the future require us to shift and change?
What limits our capacities to enter fully into the world religious dialogue?
What are some possible futures for the Unitarian Universalist faith? What is the Spirit calling us to be and to become?
What is next for Unitarian Universalism and its congregations?